dita2rdf DITA OT plugin must be
installed in your DITA
You want to configure the dita2rdf DITA OT plugin.
In [DITA-OT]/plugins/com.github.colinmaudry.dita2rdf/customization, make a copy of catalog.xml.orig.
Rename the copy catalog.xml
In catalog.xml, uncomment <uri name="cfg:rdf/config.xml" uri="rdf/config.xml"/>.
In [DITA-OT]/plugins/com.github.colinmaudry.dita2rdf/customization/rdf, make a copy of config.xml.orig.
Rename the copy config.xml.
In config.xml, follow the instructions to edit the configuration.
The dita2rdf DITA OT plugin is correctly configured to extract metadata from your DITA content.